February is well under way and as usual when you least likely expect something to happen it does. At least that’s how things operate around here. I’m actually running a little early for a change but have a range of tasks mid process.
So What’s Happened?
I fell off a ladder and ended up in hospital. I’m not going into all the details here because it’s not really the place for it, but the hospital visits ended up possibly being more traumatic than the actual injuries sustained and I do have to follow up with the matters. But it’s been a long month and some of that has been in my own personal recovery mode. Brief, but at least people know why if I haven’t been around and fortunately I didn’t break anything. But the room did go Boom!
Mail-outs continued and we had a range of visitors from a variety of new online businesses. Some of of those have let us know they are open to group ventures and we will certainly get back to them in terms of any possibilities. Generally though group ventures other than multiple band billings on a festival is as far as most group ventures go and then there’s things like clothing and advertising sponsorship. But who knows? We are all well aware that the internet is one of the busiest places for collaborations and Lipcrack will certainly keep the doors open for talks.
And it’s quite exciting for a range of reasons, I finally took some time out to go over material that’s been sitting in folders gathering dust in terms of song lyrics written over the years. I’m not quite sure how much longer it will take to complete and let’s face it, I started and stopped huge amounts of works that were written in journal format so it’s involved a lot of reading and processing the material for further consideration. To be brief, I’ve now got lists of songs (completed works) in a variety of categories which I think include some new styles of material e.g while obviously there’s rock and punk songs, there’s other groups or sub genres of lyric writing.
What I’m hoping to get moving on next is picking out a group of those tracks for development and it just makes it easy to find what I’m looking for. Previously it’s just pages and pages of things I was thinking about on any particular day. Other benefits of completing the task include business development purposes eg record label and track production for other artists. I’m fairly sure that task will be completed in a week but I don’t want to be too specific on that. Generally it could potentially be seen as a good time to sell the business as processes have been streamlined for easy management and production along with the self contained promotional processes for business development and growth.
I missed Valentines Day which was a bit of a let down, over the years we’ve always managed to get some love out there but it was not to be this year despite having a super fun love app to share with people. I was between hospitals and I’ve heard it’s possibly bad luck to do it after the actual day. So hopefully next year.
Final Good News Item
The Blog layout has been changed and is currently in testing mode for any issues that might occur with the new format. It will be tested for a month and if it’s okay will continue to be used however if anything occurs prior to that the site will revert to the last backup version.
And that’s it, hope everyone’s having a significantly better month than the one I just experienced, and if your not, there’s always March and we hope to see you back for the latest Lipcrack news.