November is almost over and it’s fair to say it’s been quite a peaceful month as far as business processes go. As you might be aware Lipcrack recently changed hosting services and that occurred with little to no issues, we believe it’s because of the working order of the web site and the back up facilities that make transferring sites relatively hassle free these days. Obviously we’ve had to spend some time getting used to the new technologies that run with the service but for the most part it’s fairly similar and has not caused any functional problems. Mail outs have again commenced and while there are some occasional delivery issues which can be expected we’ve once again been able to bring back site visitors to sample new tracks.
There are current plans in place to incorporate some social media to assist in promotional campaigns and efforts in the background have been at securing up to date identification paperwork so that an iPhone can be utilised in the process. There’s a six week wait on that being secured due to turn around time frames.
Another track was recently completed which surprised even myself. Oddly enough I am going through a range of mixed health issues which are making some tasks difficult to achieve. I wasn’t expecting to say something like that but the fact is that my health is going through some kind of mini upheaval and many tasks are becoming more difficult to perform generally. I could suggest that the medications I was put on while in the mental ward at hospital has something to do with it but the fact is while my father was dying of cancer I also was going through some kind of debilitating exhaustion which still persists but currently doesn’t appear to be as a result of blood sugar levels which can cause similar effects. The doctors are keeping an eye on me with periodic blood tests. I’ve actually suggested that there’s a level of depression in the mix but can’t actually believe how I’m feeling because it just does not feel like my normal self. That said I’m performing tasks to the best of my ability as they need to be done. I certainly wasn’t expecting to be feeling like I am at this time in my life. My energy levels are completely stalled and I yawn my way through just about every task. I could go on about it but it just seems to be an endless feeling of not feeling myself.. That said, I have a mother who continually informs me I’ll be okay if I do this and that but the motivation just doesn’t seem to exist anymore because basically, I’ve tried everything… but I keep going.
So that’s a bit of a health update on what I’m currently going through. It’s not something I willingly did but it just seemed the right time to let people know my enthusiasm for all range of things going on around me is at an all time low regardless of how the public responds to song updates and similar tasks. Can I pull myself out of this doom and gloom as it seems to be, I couldn’t say, I’m certainly going to make every effort to but for my readers sake, I just thought now seemed to be an appropriate time to let people know, all is not as it seems.
That said, hope everyone had a great November, it was relatively hassle free for Lipcrack and tasks are going ahead as usual although not with the intensity of commitment that was previously in place. Basically what I set out to achieve was completed anything else is just going to be a bonus as time passes.