Septembers been a big month as far as things go here at Lipcrack.
Mail outs resumed and went well until a small hiccup in one of the lists put everything in stalled motion, it’s just about resolved but there were about three different areas in sending that needed to be attended to including a small number of duplicates (around 100 that somehow made it on to the list). There was quite a bit of data supplied from the emails that went out without interruption and for the most part it was fairly positive. Then obviously it’s been stalled.
In between things, I ended up formatting a computer that my father left behind, I did mention in May that I lost my Dad this year to cancer, there’s now a computer sitting there unaffected by updates or any other such thing which can potentially render good software non-usable, it’s also one he no longer used after moving to Apple computers so I don’t think he’s going to miss it. I didn’t want to reformat one of my own because they perform other tasks, some have updated music software on them and as it stands, if I decided to dedicate some time to developing a new EP it could be done without too many problems. That has actually overcome a potential problem that surfaced a couple of months ago and I’ve just got this feeling sooner or later I will attempt it again, more music creation that is.
But problems there’s always problems. Currently there is a new issue with the Blog, the Forum has been removed and is in a process of being updated. There were continual problems with it in terms of missing data, inconsistent data matching with profile settings and gear that in the end required something more workable. Regardless of the issues when someone subscribes to the Blog they become a member and there’s always a way for the site to let members know of any relevant changes or updates. There is a new application being tested on the Blog which we believe has some user friendly options available to it but there’s already been some small hiccups which are being worked through. Currently there are a number of new members who have not received their verification emails we are looking to resolve this ASAP.
For now that covers a few of this months activities and updates, it’s a little shorter than usual but some of the technical problems that the hosting company are looking into are taking longer than usual.
PS I’m not sure how this update will look formatted on the site, however at this time the new app seems to have taken control of the Blog and there is a lockout from it via normal processes. That also gives you an indication of what can happen using new programs. All I need to say is there’s a new app being tested, there’s been some problems, but we are looking forward to resolving them and maybe continuing to have it integrated into the site.