2025 is well under way and who was ready for it? January is almost over and there’s little sign of movement at the Lipcrack site and it’s not because we’ve been taking it easy. The plans have changed a couple of times this last month in light of the previous two updates which simply put is, “I haven’t been feeling well and a photo shoot in the middle of it was not going to go down well, the weather hasn’t been that suitable for it either so it’s been delayed until a later time. When will that be? I really don’t know, I was thinking about skipping it all together but it’s almost become a tradition so my inner conscious is telling me to find some time to put aside for the task. In the meantime, I’ve pulled out one from last years session.
What has been going on at the site?, the usual, mailouts to potential new listeners, yes we are still managing to find them but not via the conventional social media sites, that task continues to be a bit of a nightmare in terms of all range of matters and that’s despite just recently connecting the phone my father left behind to the mobile phone service. I should have known he wouldn’t have upgraded without a reason and maybe I’m getting a first hand experience of some of the problems he went through in terms of getting things to run smoothly on a mobile. I have a feeling you need to reboot one from scratch to really be able to work through the functions currently mines still got my mother as the account holder despite me buying a sim card so that I can take control of it. And Dad still has all his photos on it from when he was the account holder, I’m not in a hurry to delete those in fact I don’t want to. Will I be able to get it working as required, that’s unknown, currently I can make calls on it and that’s about it.
Plans for 2025 ? Good question. I have mentioned some new track releases that will still go ahead but a lot of other gear isn’t. For some reason my motivation and enthusiasm for creating new tracks has bottomed out. While I have material sitting there that could be worked on, I don’t seem to be in that creative mindset needed to develop new tracks. In fact I’ve been in a bit of a wrestling match with what I want to be doing and what I’m currently capable of and the two are not walking hand in hand. Worse still though, if I don’t do something I’m sinking into a pit of nothingness. My mind however for now has said, it’s had enough of the track creation process and I need to find some new tasks to occupy my time. Will I find the change I’m looking for, it’s hard to say most likely I’ll need to take on some new skills but that said, the site listeners are still increasing so the site itself is not at a complete standstill, it’s just getting attention as suitable with the internet audiences out and about on the web.
And that is about it, there’s a lot of testing going on but generally I’m still going through some health issues which I want to clear sooner than later if possible. My motivation has bottomed out and the questions remain in terms of regaining health that somehow seems to have disappeared over the past few months. I’ve recently had a prescription change and hoping for an improvement as compared to the side effects of the medications previously being taken. That currently is the best I can hope for.
So hope everyone’s enjoying 2025, so far it’s been a reasonable year.